ד' סיון התשפ"ב | 03/06/22
הצטרף עכשיו ללומדי הש"ס!
ד' סיון התשפ"ב

לומדים את הש"ס ותומכים במוסדות התורה

למען מוסדות התורה!

ש"ס אחד, כאיש אחד, ביום אחד

רמת בית שמש - יום הש"ס

2,711 דפים
100 %
נלקחו מתוך 2,711 דפים
נותרו עוד
00 : 00 : 00 : 00 שניות דקות שעות ימים
לסיום הש"ס
0 %
נתרמו מתוך יעד המוסדות 2,000,000 ₪

Porter Allen

ישיבת אור יהושע-נתיבות התורה
0 %

מתוך יעד של 3,600

Tons of people are reporting massive drops in map rankings following the latest Google update called "Vicinity" which just rolled out a few weeks back. For years, Google has been moving towards showing your listings in a tighter and tighter radius. And the problem is, if you don't know how to overcome this, your rankings and visibility suffer. Less visibility = less phone calls, less leads, and sales. We came up with a solution in 2020 and have perfected it. For several years, we taught this solution, and the agencies and local clients who using our services are still rocking it. Big time. What if I just handed you a done-for-you solution that is super easy to start with? About 7 months ago, I rolled out Google Map Seo's brand new plans. And the people who have ordered them are raving about the quality. Good news? There's still time to jump in and start winning more calls and clients in your city. Bad news? The promotion is up to the end of September So if you want to grab them at this heavily discounted price, you'll want to do that before the price increase hits next month. Get Them Today For up to %20 off. Good For One Year, so purchase now to lock in the pricing. ** Please Contact Us To Receive Your Personal Promo Code** Whatsapp - https://whatsapp/googlemapseo Telegram - https://telegram.org/googlemapseo Skype - https://skype.com/googlemapseo With you every step of the way, Daniel Google Map SEO www.googlemapseo.com

הדפים שלי



תרמו כאן ועכשיו וקבלו זכות בלימוד הש"ס

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לקבלה ישראלית יש לבחור ₪
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