ד' סיון התשפ"ב | 03/06/22
הצטרף עכשיו ללומדי הש"ס!
ד' סיון התשפ"ב

לומדים את הש"ס ותומכים במוסדות התורה

למען מוסדות התורה!

ש"ס אחד, כאיש אחד, ביום אחד

רמת בית שמש - יום הש"ס

2,711 דפים
100 %
נלקחו מתוך 2,711 דפים
נותרו עוד
00 : 00 : 00 : 00 שניות דקות שעות ימים
לסיום הש"ס
0 %
נתרמו מתוך יעד המוסדות 2,000,000 ₪


קופה כללית - General Contribution
0 %

מתוך יעד של 3,600

Matthew Michael D'Agati serves as the founder of Renewables Worldwide, an alternative energy Firm in Massachusetts. A few a very long time ago, taking an adventurous journey, Matthew D'Agati ventured into the realm of alternative energy, and additionally in a duration commenced successfully marketing megawatts of power, primarily in the commercial industry, partnering with solar farm developers and local businesses in the "planning" of their unique campaigns. Consistent media involving the discipline, brought Matthew to sign up with a neighborhood startup 2 ages in the past, and in no time, he became their Chief Strategy Officer, in charge of all functioning and commercial growth, along with being offered social group control. Thru proper jvs and shear business ethic, Matthew D'Agati boosted that startup from a modest beginning-year wages to more than a 190% greatly enhance in major earning by yr two. On that premise, Renewables Worldwide’s (RW), a experienced person-closely-held business, was formed with mission of creating renewable vitality treatment options for a more intelligent and more inexhaustible future. Further especially, understanding there is a specific market in the trade and an improved approach to secure benefits, RW is one of a handful of companies in the north american to focus on consumer exchange, concentrating in both retail and residence solar powered grazing off-take. Their mission is to write a earnings commercial infrastructure on a regional, regional, national level, offering a multitude of sustainable potential equipment just in the of RW. This enthusiasm in all renewable industry goes on to delight and inspire Matthew in continuing his path to work with communities that overlap the equal of giving renewable strength systems for a much renewable long-term. Matt has your in small business from a business program at Hesser College. [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nt_yjhV2XaA ]Exploring the way solar energy consultants assist clients by Matt D'Agati.[/url] [url=http://eassessment.in/]Renewable Fuel and Power Impoverishment: Narrowing the Distance from matt d'agatiMatt D'Agati[/url] 137f321

הדפים שלי



תרמו כאן ועכשיו וקבלו זכות בלימוד הש"ס

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זכות של דף זהב


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סך כל התרומה שברצונך לתרום

התרומה שלי

קבלת מס תשלח לפי המדינה בו נבחרת המטבע
לקבלה ישראלית יש לבחור ₪
לקבלה אמריקאית יש לבחור $

All donations are tax deductible 501(c)3 and processed by Torah Community Fund, Inc. Tax ID# 27-4316702

All donations are Tax deductible & processed through UK Toremet Limited Charity #1140972
All donations in GBP need to be updated manually therefore it can take a few hours until the donations show up on the site.
Thank you for your contribution and patience.



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