ג' סיון התשפ"א | 2021-05-14
Join the Learning
ג' סיון התשפ"א


For the Torah institutions of Ramat Beit Shemesh A!

One Shas, One community. One day!

10 Dapim
99 %
00 : 00 : 00 : 00 Seconds Minutes Hours Days
Remaining until the end of YOM HASHAS
0 %
RAISED OF 1,000,000 ₪ GOAL
Bonus Goal 1,200,000 

Shalom Rooz

ישיבת ארזי לבנון -Yeshiva Arzei Levanon

תענית חלק 46

0 %

Goal 1,800

My Dapim

One day to show what we in RBS value above all else!

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Ramat Beit Shemesh is a city that resounds with the sweet sound of Torah learning. This is our pride and joy, and why many of us chose to make RBS our home. However, due to the past year’s COVID pandemic, dozens of yeshivos and kollelim in our community now find themselves in serious financial crisis.

As the holiday of Matan Torah approaches, now is the time to do something about this!

Join us at our exciting, community-wide Yom HaShas, as we learn the entire Shas in one day and raise money to support our local Torah institutions! Let’s come out full-force to show our absolute devotion to Torah learning - K’ish echad b’lev echad.

Here’s how it works: Every participating learner will choose the dapim he plans to learn on the day of the Yom HaShas. On Erev Rosh Chodesh Sivan (Tuesday, May 11), all of the participants will come together to learn their dapim – and to complete Shas, in one day!

In addition, each participating learner will take upon himself a fundraising goal, to raise money for a local Torah institution. Donors will receive a double zechus – the zechus of the participant’s Torah learning, and also the learning of the Torah institution they’re supporting!

I want to join the Yom HaShas:

1. As a Learner.
- Select the dapim you’d like to learn.
- Learn the dapim in depth in advance of the Yom HaShas – up until Erev Rosh Chodesh Sivan.
- Get your family and friends on board to support your Yom HaShas learning by pledging an amount to an RBS-A Torah institution.
- On the day of the Yom HaShas, learn your dapim once again.
- Complete Shas together with all the other participating learners!

2. As a Donor.
- Select the participating learner or learners through whom you wish to donate and the Torah institution/s you wish to support. You can also choose to donate to all the RBS Torah institutions in general without specifying a specific one.
- Choose the daf, perek or masechta you’d like to dedicate, or a different amount you’d like to donate.
- Write a message of bracha and chizzuk for your chosen learner and/or institution – or dedicate the learning l’ilui nishmas a loved one.

May your learning and Torah support be a zechus and blessing for you and your family forever.



Yes! I want to take part in this special Yom HaShas, to support the Torah learning in Ramat Beit Shemesh Aleph.

Daf Gemora


Silver Daf


Gold Daf


Platinum Daf






Seder of Shas


Total donation amount

Your Amount

A tax-deductible receipt will be issued in accordance with country of the selected currency
For an Israeli receipt, make sure to select ₪
For a USA receipt, make sure to select $



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